Think Tank: On Histories I
10am-5pm Fri 22 July

The Printworks
Dublin Castle
Dame Street, Dublin



Inspirational Arts


Think Tank:
On Histories I

Photography, Partition and After: Photographies and Histories of Ireland in the Short 20th Century

In the context of the 13th edition of PhotoIreland Festival, which proposes a conversation ‘On the History and Practice of Photography in Ireland’, a series of Think Tanks are being hosted to tease out the complexities of the History as much as of the discipline.

The Think Tank proposes to explore histories of photographic practices, technologies, exhibitions and archives from 1910 to 1990.

Open conversations and discussions are welcomes that can be focused on the historical or sociological aspects of photography and its uses, photographic forms and aesthetics, institutional uses of the photographic image and their archivisation, as well as discussions addressing the cultural politics of the photographic image in state formation from the period of partition alongside papers that explore hidden or unexplored histories of photography throughout the twentieth century.

This workshop is convened by Justin Carville in collaboration with PhotoIreland.


10am Registration
10:30am Welcome and Introductory Remarks
11am-12:30pm Panel I

  • Witness to History: The Photographic Archive of Fr. Frank Browne SJ, Donna Gilligan
  • Joseph Cashman in the Golden age of Newspapers, Justine Murphy
  • The Photographer and the City: The Work of A.R. Hogg in Representing Everyday Life in Early Twentieth-century Belfast, Lucy Wray

12:30-1:30pm Lunch Break (lunch not provided)
1:30-3pm Panel II

  • Hesitant Sorts of Documentation and Sensibilities: The Colonial Archive and the Family Album of Dr Daniel O’Sullivan Beare, Ann Curran
  • The Album and the Archive: Open and Enclosed Photography and the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary in Southern Nigeria c. 1928-1970, Fiona Loughnane
  • The Days of the Dead: Censorship, Photography and Counter-conduct, Gail Baylis

3-3:30pm Coffee Break
3:30-5pm Panel III

  • Frank O’Connor and Holiday, December 1949: Image, Text and the Nation’s Reputation, Orla Fitzpatrick
  • Worlding Traveller Life-worlds: Janine Wiedel’s ‘Irish Tinkers’ and the Politics of Transgression, Justin Carville

5pm Closing Remarks


Note: Attendance is free and booking is essential via Eventbrite

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