Think Tank
10am-5:15pm Fri 29 July

The Printworks
Dublin Castle
Dame Street, Dublin



Inspirational Arts


Think Tank:
On Histories II

In the context of the 13th edition of PhotoIreland Festival, which proposes a conversation ‘On the History and Practice of Photography in Ireland’, a series of Think Tanks are being hosted to tease out the complexities of the History as much as of the discipline.

The event series comprises talks on contemporary Irish photography,  proposing to explore the key events, exhibitions and practices that have shaped contemporary Irish photography from the 1990s to the present.

The event brings together photographers, academics, curators, and professionals from the creative and cultural sectors to discuss significant developments in Irish photography over the last 30 years. These include the identification and legacy of milestone events such as photographic exhibitions or publications; the role of institutions in shaping Irish photographic culture; the development of photographic education in Ireland; the impact of global photography/art movements on Irish photography; and the influence of Irish cultural politics on emerging photographic practices.

This event is convened by Justin Carville in collaboration with PhotoIreland.


10am Registration
10:30 Welcome and Introductory Remarks by Ángel Luis González, On the History and Practice of Photography in Ireland
11am-12:30pm Panel I

  • Flight of Fancy: A photographic study of Bessbrook, South Armagh from the lens of local students through to WA Green, Kate Nolan
  • We Own A Brick Here: A photography based enquiry into the changing landscape of Cabra, Dublin 7, Mandy O’Neill

12:30-1:30pm Lunch Break (lunch not provided)
1:30-3:15pm Panel II

  • A Moving Target: conceptual artistic responses to 21 st Century developments in the “Battlespace”, Karl Burke
  • Case study – A research led photographic practice, Roseanne Lynch
  • The Politics of Practice, David Flood

3:15-3:30pm Break
3:30-5:15pm Panel III

  • Recomposing the Archive: remediating memories of Iraqi diaspora with photographs, oral history, and Virtual Reality, Basil Al-Rawi ‘
  • An Uncomfortable Gaze: (In)Visibility, Photography and Direct Provision in Ireland’, Anthony Haughey
  • “In the Particular is contained the Universal”: Space, Place and the Human Condition, Fiona Hackett

5:15pm Closing Remarks

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